So anyway, I received a confirmation that my cosplay entry had been accepted into a competition that I wanted to try applying for just for the sake of it! Now, as my post for Diablo III had stated, a friend of mine also entered this competition and she thanks all for the support she is getting. I am doing it for the sake of it, seems absolutely fun. As per facebook, my picture went up around 14 hours ago and has gotten over 150 likes already, which made me very excited! If you like my cosplay, please vote for me and check out the facebook post! I won't post the photo up on the blog just so you can click on the links (mwahahahaha).
Also, something exciting! Make sure you check out Os' guest post on Paul's blog "Scoop Mental Propaganda". Paul is an amazingly cool and chill guy who goes around snapping pictures and blogging about it. And he asked Os for a guest post due to SMP's one year anniversary, congrats Paul!
That's all for now, I should get some sleep before my adventure in a few hours, of which I will tell you on my next blog! Have a good day!
- Rin
June 21st, 2012
Liked everywhere =3 good luck!